Sunday, March 9, 2008

The labor of love

Slow dancing our baby home...

Maggie started having noticeable contractions at 4am Saturday Morning. They were sporadic and manageable for most of the day and then came on strong starting around 7pm. It's now 1:00pm on Sunday and after a sleepless night, with vomiting and crazy pain, she's feeling pretty crappy.

We've found that standing and "slow dancing" in place is working the best to get through the minute-long contractions. It looks like this... Maggie is fast asleep on the couch and then with each contraction (every 8-10 minutes) her eyes open quickly, I spring to my feet, grab her outstretched hand and pull her into my arms... we dance, taking deep breaths while i count them out loud.... "...ten ...eleven ...twelve..." the contraction subsides, she takes a sip of water and crashes again... repeat. She needs the sleep so this has been the best part of our labor yet.


Unknown said...

Sending you BIG LOVE and support Mags. WE LOVE YOU (all five of us!!!).

Sabina said...

Dearst Maggie, Max and Baby
Love is flowing like crazy from my heart to yours. You are in the midst of the biggest, most sacred adventure you ever had. My support is with you.
Love: Sabina